This is the website of Maria Plumb & Rod Thompson

(Brisbane, Australia)

Our Theatrical Offerings

Click here for a more comprehensive list

Our current project

"Failure: A Love Story": A Comedy of Love, Time and Mortality.

by Philip Dawkins
directed by Rod Thompson

To be presented by Villanova Players from 8th Nov to 10th Nov 2024

Review by Alan Bresloff - "… a theatrical experience that will stay in your memory for years to come." /

"An Italian Straw Hat": a wild French farce by Eugene Labiche, translated and adapted by the two of us was presented by Villanova Players from 19th Nov to 4th Dec 2010
A great success - over a thousand people saw and enjoyed the play.

Our adaptation of "The Busybody" by Susanna Centlivre

which was presented by in July 2003,
by the
Burnside Players , directed by Brendan Clare
9th - 18th November 2006,
by the Colonial Players, Annapolis USA, directed by Carol Youmans
5th - 8th June 2008,
and by the Bedford Players, Halifax Canada, directed by Karen Waterfield
28th Apr - 14th May 2011 (we attended the final night of this very successful production).

"Doctor Ox: The Experiment" by Rod, from a story by Jules Verne

which was presented by Villanova Players in September 2006

These plays are available by negotiation to other theatre companies
Please e-mail for more information.

image by Christoper Sharman Photography

"Letters to Lindy"

We both appeared in a production by Villanova Players of "Letters to Lindy" by Alana Valentine, from Fri 20th August 2022, to Sun 4th September.

"Snapshots From Home"

Maria directed, and Rod appeared in "Snapshots From Home" by Marjory Forde, from Fri 5th March 2022, to Sun 20th March.


Maria directed, and Rod appeared in "Quartet" by Ronald Harwood, from Fri 26th June 2021, to Sun 11th July.


Maria appeared in a production by Villanova Players of "Switzerland" by Joanna Murray-Smith, from Fri 21st August 2020, to Sun 23th August.


Rod appeared in a production by Villanova Players of "Emma" from the novel by Jane Austen, adapted by Sandra Fenichel Asher, from Fri 1st March 2020, to Sat 9th March.

Rizpah (Maud) Plumb
and Frances Thompson

Rod's papers on Spatial Data Management

Our Trip to Antarctica - February 2005

Our Trip to Delft in The Netherlands - February-June 2006

Sailing on Moreton Bay

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And our Famous Praying Mantis Video

This little video has had hundreds of thousands of hits, and hundreds of comments. It carries a five star rating, and has been published in such august places as the Journal of Improbable Research

"Son of Mantis"

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